How To Address Employee Absenteeism In The Workplace

It is very common for business owners to have to deal with absenteeism related to sickness, among other reasons, in their workplace. The downside to such absences can often be disruptive to the business if left unmanaged. How can employers properly deal with this issue?

1. Establish a Clear Absence Management Policy

Businesses need to have a policy in place that defines what an acceptable absence is and what can be classified as paid time off. It can also include the number of absences allowed and the number of absences that will not be accepted. The policy should also include clear disciplinary action for employees who violate the policy. A well-written absence management policy will help managers address employee attendance issues proactively.

2. Flexible Work Policies

Implementing a flexible work policy not only positively impacts employee well-being and retention, but also helps reduce absenteeism. For example, instead of an employee taking the day off for an appointment, they can go to their appointment and return to work. They can feel confident knowing that coming to work a little later or having to leave work for their appointment will not impact their workday.

3. Finding the Cause of the Absences

Employers must consider different options depending on the duration, frequency, and underlying cause of absences. For example, if an employee frequently takes one or two days off here and there due to illness, employers should investigate the underlying reason for the absences before considering disciplinary action.

by Kiljon Shukullari, Peninsula Canada

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