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Is Team Coaching What We Need ?

“Susan!  I need an intervention for one of my production teams.   How soon can you organize some training and a team-building retreat? Line B’s numbers have fallen since we brought in those new members.”  “Jenny, I hear you. Line B won “Most Outstanding Team” for

What exactly does coaching involve?

Did you know that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the coaching industry saw one of its fastest periods of growth?  According to the International Coaching Federation (an internationally recognized certification body and industry standard setter), between 2019 and 2022, the number of coach practitioners increased by

Why do I need a coach?

Jenny was feeling stuck.  Despite years of being a star performer and the company’s go-to-girl for getting-it-done, she just wasn’t feeling accomplished anymore.  She knew she needed to a change but couldn’t quite figure out what.  Finally, she decided to get out of her head

14 Ways To Boost Employee Morale And Engagement With Social Media

Social media has long since evolved beyond mere personal or entertainment applications to become a potent tool for business leaders and employees alike. Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits of leveraging social platforms to foster positive workplace cultures and strengthen connections among their workforce. Here,

Relational Intelligence: The New Bottom Line For Businesses

All humans come to the table of life with a world full of experiences, beliefs, assumptions, and baggage that they collect along the way. In ‘the old days,’ we would have plenty of touchpoints in the workplace to figure out what makes people tick—what their

Mental Health In The Workplace and You

Understanding mental health in the workplace is essential, as it affects every area of the employees’ life and makes it hard for them to maintain concentration. This definitely harms the employees’ productivity! We can no longer ignore mental health in the workplace; we cannot pretend

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