14 Ways To Boost Employee Morale And Engagement With Social Media

Social media has long since evolved beyond mere personal or entertainment applications to become a potent tool for business leaders and employees alike. Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits of leveraging social platforms to foster positive workplace cultures and strengthen connections among their workforce.

Here, Forbes Communications Council members share strategies and best practices companies can employ to use the potential of social media for enhancing morale and employee engagement. Through real-life examples and actionable insights, these experts showcase how organizations can effectively utilize these online platforms to create a more motivated, connected and satisfied workforce.

  1. Lean Into Topics That Excite Your Employees
    Social media is the execution channel—you need the right content for it! Avoid, where possible, corporate content and lean into the topics that excite your people. Don’t underestimate the power of the personal. Get your people involved and use their quotes, photos and videos. Social media is all about engagement, and if you want people to engage with content, it needs to mean something to them. – Rosie Guest, Apex Group Ltd.
  2. Celebrate Employees
    Getting employees to celebrate each other is key. In our industry, salespeople like to post done-deal graphics on social media to enhance credibility in the market. As we provide these graphics, we encourage the salesperson to thank other team members in other departments who contributed to the deal. This builds camaraderie and lets behind-the-scenes team members get a turn in the spotlight. – Robert Neely, Lima One Capital
  3. Post About Your ‘Employee Of The Month’
    We do an “employee of the month” post because being human is an important part of our brand. We couldn’t accomplish what we do without each person here. It is a full interview on our blog, and we push it to social and our Slack channels. For team members who might not otherwise have exposure to external audiences, it’s fun to see themselves profiled and realize how appreciated they are. – Ellen Sluder, smrtPhone

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