Introduction to Critical Thinking: The Path to Effective Decision Making and Problem Solving


US$95.00(Massy Employees)
US$120.00(Non-Massy Employees)

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Introduction to Critical Thinking: The Path to Effective Decision Making and Problem Solving


There’s thinking and then there’s thinking critically — with the difference between the two deeply significant. Advance your career by gaining a better understanding of thinking as process. Through this introductory course, you will understand the use of the R.E.D. framework (recognizing assumptions, evaluating arguments, and drawing conclusions), reinforcing your learning through experiential exercises.

Participants will learn to:

• Gain insight into critical thinking as a concept.

• Understand the role of critical thinking in corporate decision-making.

• Explore the connections between critical thinking and the competency development framework — a framework that defines the knowledge, skills, and attributes needed for people within an organization.

• Develop critical thinking skills using the R.E.D framework.



Target Audience

All Audiences

Class Size

15 people


Three hours (virtually)

Delivery Method

Virtual Instructor Led

Other Delivery Formats available:

  1. In Person
  2. Hybrid. 

Contact for details.

Registration Deadline Date


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