Decision-making & Problem Solving


US$202.00(Massy Employees)
US$253.00(Non-Massy Employees)

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Decision-making & Problem Solving


A good day at the workplace isn’t when there are no problems — it’s when there are problems, but managed thoughtfully. Decision-making and problem solving are key to ensuring the smooth outcome of every activity you undertake. In this programme, participants will acquire the tools that facilitate an approach to identifying problems that relies more on reason than reaction. Afterwards, you will be able to incorporate these new methods and varied disciplines to develop relevant solutions that promote enhanced efficiency, and to strengthen the decision-making process.

Participants will learn to:

  • Explore the impact of rational and emotional decisions on employees’ performance and organizational outcomes.
  •  Discuss the organizational context facilitating the application of programmed and non-programmed decisions.
  • Identify problems by using conceptual frames for organizational effectiveness.
  • Examine how decision tools can be used to enhance the quality of managerial decisions.
  • Examine how the embrace of perspectives from other disciplines (e.g. Finance; HR, IT) can be used to improve the quality of recommendations.
  • Discuss the significance of ethical issues in the decision-making process.



Target Audience

All Audiences

Class Size



Two 4-hour sessions (virtually)

Delivery Method

Virtual Instructor Led

Other Delivery Formats available:

  1. In Person
  2. Hybrid. 

Contact for details.

Registration Deadline Date

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