Conversational Intelligence for a Positive Culture


US$185.00(Massy Employees)
US$230.00(Non-Massy Employees)

Thank you for your expressed interest in selected Program. There are no assigned dates at this time however we do encourage customised sessions where we will be happy to discuss more detail with you. Kindly contact our Programs Team at and thank you for choosing the Massy Learning Institute.

Conversational Intelligence for a Positive Culture


Discover the power of conversations in shaping your organization’s culture through this 2-day programme. Participants will learn how to move from managing to inspiring, and from resistance to co-creation. Equip yourself with the tools to deepen your listening abilities and lead transformational conversations that inspire trust, elevate team performance and drive lasting organizational change!

Participants will:

  • Understand the connection between conversations, culture and leadership.
  • Learn how to be intentional in your leadership conversations.
  • Examine the influence of your inner dialogue and understanding whether it is a help or hindrance.
  • Explore and the three (3) levels of conversation.
  • Recognize the role conversations play in developing trust.
  • Design and practice productive and effective conversations to assist you on your journey to becoming a conversational architect.



Target Audience

All Audiences

Class Size

15 people


Two 3-hour sessions (virtually)

Delivery Method

Virtual Instructor Led

Other Delivery Formats available:

  1. In Person
  2. Hybrid. 

Contact for details.

Registration Deadline Date


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